Friday, December 19, 2014

An1mage Comic Strip Fiesta 2015

Are you a comic artist? Never publish your great comics? An1mage Studio gives you a great chance to start your portfolio by sending us your great comic strip masterpiece using your original character, it will be published worldwide with ISBN and the copyright still yours. Submission deadline 31 October 2015.

Send your masterpiece a comic strip with your own original character minimum one page and maximum  5 pages. If your comic is not finish yet or to be continued? You can give a link in the last page to your website that link to your webcomic. Per page consist of three rows comic strips per page, or one page BW or color in one page, pick one.

Just like in this template:

If you are using other software, make sure this PDF as your design guidance:

Your comic strip can be in any kind of your drawing style, can be cartoon-ism, hybridism, realism or fine art style, this book will be read by any age so be sure no sexual pose or sexual acts, please. The book will be published in an ebook format where you can download it  and get the copy for free, but for the printed one you need to order it, but there is no obligation to order it either, it's a choice.e point is we are an indie publisher, luckily we have the access for international publication and willing to help indie comic artists out to be known in the world.

Noticed that printing a book is very costly this day so the better choice is an ebook. The published book will not be sold other than to the artists that gets involved in this project, so the publisher will get nothing, it's a social work to help others in differs way.

The published comic strip book will be a great help for the artist next career. Be Hurry, because the submission deadline is  31 October 2015, And if you missed it, you need to wait a year long for next publication. Hurry up, send your comic strip in English by email with subject:  An1mage Comic Strip Fiesta 2015,  send your submission to:

A sample of Published "An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014"

A great book "Character Sketch Fiesta 2014" go international already, it's live on Amazon Kindle click for Google Play book

Wanna join our other great program? Click in the links below
4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015


Kamu komikus? Sudah pernah menerbitkan komik? Atau bahkan baru memulai? Ingin namamu dikenal di level internasional? Mungkinkah komik Indonesia yang dibuat oleh anak bangsa apapun gayanya kurang diminati salah satunya karena belum berani go global seperti komik dari negara lain yang berani go internasional dalam Bahasa Inggris?

Kini saatnya membuktikan bahwa karya kita dapat go global dan membuka kemungkinan untuk disukai di level internasional. Kirim karyamu dalam Bahasa Inggris minimal satu halaman dan maksimum 5 halaman komik, bila ceritamu bersambung, beri link bersambungnya di halaman akhir ke alamat website yang ada lanjutan komikmu .

Promosikan hasil karya komikmu walaupun cuma satu halaman, GRATIS.  Beri judul, namamu, alamat emailmu dan nomor kontakmu agar bila ada yang tertarik dengan komikmu maka mereka akan segera mengontakmu, atau paling tidak komik gabungan yang terbit dalam buku ber-ISBN ini akan menjadi portfolio yaitu bukti hasil karya yang dapat dimasukkan dalam CV/ resume saat melamar kerja di suatu hari nantinya.

Dan yang paling penting, hak cipta karya tetap ada pada kamu bukan pada An1mage studio sebagai penerbitnya. Buku ini akan dapat didownload secara gratis oleh siapapun dan tidak dijual. Bila kamu ingin memesan versi cetak ke an1mage dipersilakan tetapi tidak mengikat dan tidak harus membeli. Bila kamu mau bahkan dipersilakan untuk mencetaknya sendiri.

Kirimkan karyamu dan namamu akan dicatat dalam sejarah. Seperti kata pepatah "Pameran adalah perak dan komik terbit dalam buku ber-ISBN adalah emas".  Gunakan template/ format desain berikut:

Gunakan versi PDF berikut sebagai acuan desain bila kesulitan:

Buruan kirim karyamu sebelum 31 October 2015, segera kirim ke:

Contoh salah satu program An1mage yang telah go global adalah buku An1mage Characters Sketch Fiesta 2014 yang telah terpublikasi secara internasional di Amazon dan Google Book di

An1mage Studio adalah lembaga non profit dalam membantu indie artist/ seniman indi.

Ikuti program An1mage Studio lainnya di link berikut:

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

An1mage Paintings Fiesta 2015

Are you a painting artist? Never publish your great paintings? An1mage Studio gives you a great chance to start your portfolio by sending us maximum 3 your paintings of your great painting masterpieces in photos submission and it will be published in a book with ISBN number and marketed worldwide, the copyright still yours.

Each photo should have at least 5 Mega Pixels with differs painting, you can send maximum three paintings photos, Submission deadline 30 November 2015 to:

Any medium Paintings such as oil paintings, water paintings, acrylic paintings, mix media paintings, printed digital paintings or other media paintings can be send using photo with your paintings title, your name, your email, the paintings dimensions, what media, and don't forget to mention its price.

Paintings Fiesta 2015 template:

If you are using other software, make sure this PDF as your design guidance:

Your paintings can be in any kind of style such as Realism, Cubism, Surrealism, Impressionism, Pop Art Style, Expressionism, Decorative Styles or others styles. This book will be read by any age so be sure no sexual pose or sexual acts please. The book will be published in an ebook format where you can download it  and get the copy for free, but for the printed one you need to order it, but there is no obligation to order it either, it's a choice.

The point is we are an indie publisher, luckily we have the access for international publication and willing to help Painting Artist out to be known in the world. Also noticed that printing a book is very costly this day so the better choice is an ebook. The published book will not be sold other than to the artists that gets involved in this project, so the publisher will get nothing, it's a social work to help others in differs way.

The published paintings book will be a great help for the artist next career. Be Hurry, because the deadline is 30 November 2015. And if you missed it, you need to wait a year long for the next publication. Hurry up, send your maximum 3 paintings by email with subject:  An1mage Paintings Fiesta 2015, send your submission to:

A sample of Published "An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014"

A great book "Character Sketch Fiesta 2014" go international already, it's live on Amazon Kindle click for Google Play book

Wanna join our other great program? Click in the links below
1. Comic Strip Fiesta 2015:
2. Photography Fiesta 2015:
3. Paintings Fiesta 2015:
4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015:


Kamu pelukis? Lukisanmu belum pernah dicatat sejarah dalam buku ber-ISBN? Seperti kata-kata pepatah, "Pameran itu perak, tetapi buku ber-ISBN adalah emas". Banyak karya lukis dikenal karena diterbitkan dan terpromosikan dalam buku ber-ISBN.

Buku ber-ISBN menjamin namamu masuk dalam sejarah walau pun karya cuma sedikit. Kini ada kesempatan emas, An1mage studio membuka peluang namamu akan dikenang sebagai salah satu pelukis level internasional dengan cara mengirimkan minimal satu photo dan maksimum 3 photo karya lukisanmu. Lukisanmu akan dipromosikan secara gratis dalam publikasi An1mage Paintings Fiesta 2015.

Lukisanmu dapat berupa karya cat minyak, cat air, cat acrylic, mixed media, dan atau versi digital siap print. Beri judul, nama kamu sebagai pelukisnya, beri harga, beri alamat emailmu, beri nomor kontakmu, hak cipta lukisan tetap ada di kamu sebagai penciptanya, sehingga pembeli akan mengontak kamu langsung. Kirim menggunakan template/ format desain berikut:

Paintings Fiesta 2015 template:

Gunakan format PDF berikut sebagai panduan bila kesulitan:

Buku Painting Fiesta 2015 ini akan menjadi peluang agar namamu mulai dikenal dan menjadi portfolio (bukti hasil karya) yang sangat kuat karena ber-ISBN. Buku ini akan dipulikasikan secara internasional misalnya di Amazon  dan Google Book seperti contoh program buku An1mage Studio sebelumnya yaitu An1mage Characters Sketch Fiesta 2014 yang telah terpublikasi secara internasional di Amazon dan juga Google

Buruan, kirim sebelum 3 0 November 2015 ke:

Ditunggu karya lukisan hebatmu Maestro (^_^).

An1mage Studio

An1mage Studio adalah lembaga non profit dalam membantu indie artist/ seniman indi.

Ikuti program unik kami lainnya
1. Comic Strip Fiesta 2015:
2. Photography Fiesta 2015:
3. Paintings Fiesta 2015:
4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015:

Monday, December 15, 2014

"Be nice, care and encourage others, it will make you happier, luckier and respected"

"Be nice, care and encourage others, it will make you happier, luckier and respected".  M.S. Gumelar ©

A sample of Published "An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014"

A great book "Character Sketch Fiesta 2014" go international already, it's live on Amazon Kindle click for Google Play book

Wanna join our other great program? Click in the links below

Saturday, December 13, 2014

An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014 - ISBN 9781505419412

This is a social artwork book from the an1mage studio to help newcomer artist  pursuing their big dreams. More than 100 great character designers in any ages  and backgrounds put their original character in this character designer generated  content by themselves. This book is great for them as a start point in their long  career journey.

This great book is a special book  from you a great artist and made for you great  artist only. Yes, you are a great artist with a lot of positive thinking in mind.  Without your courage to take a risk to send your great masterpiece artwork to the  publisher “An1mage Studio”, this book will never be published.

Congratulation to you all, hopefully this special, simple yet elegant book will make your future  brighter, because now you’ve got yourself a point to start and show your first debut. The list order of character sketch layout put in this book based on first come first serve.

Missed the chance? Don't worry join the next issue. We will be very happy if the  next program “An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2015”, you are going to send your  great character design sketch artwork to us “An1mage Studio”.

Feel free to send maximum 3 character sketches and also encourage another character designer to join this  program, to help them out start pursuing their dream as a comic artist or a  character designer. 

Thanks a lot guys

You can download the free ebook version hereAmazon Kindle version, click here. For google play  store, click here.

If you want to pre-order hardcopy print directly from An1mage Studio, click here. An1mage Studio need to collect at least 100  copies so the price would be cheaper, around 15-25 USD per copy for BW interior with  Full paperback, colour cover, and around 50-80 USD BW interior with Hardcover  fullcolour.

Packing and shipping cost will be added to the total cost based on book (s)  weight and distance.

A great book "Character Sketch Fiesta 2014" go international already, it's live on Amazon Kindle click for Google Play book

Wanna join our other great program? Click in the links below

Friday, December 12, 2014

An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2015        

Are you a character designer, a comic artist? Never publish your great artworks? An1mage Studio gives you a great chance to start your portfolio by sending us your great original character masterpiece and will be published worldwide in a book with ISBN number, The Copyright still yours. Submission deadline 30 June 2015. 

Send your masterpiece original character at minimum 1 page, maximum three pages can be portrait or landscape orientation in any kind of your drawing style, can be cartoon-ism, hybridism, realism or fine art style, this book will be read by any age so be sure no sexual pose or sexual acts, please. Use this template: 

Character Sketch Fiesta 2015 template:

If you are using other software, make sure this PDF as your design guidance:

The book will be published in an e-book format where you can download it  and get the copy for free, but for the printed one you need to order it, but there is no obligation to order it either, it's a choice.

The point is we are an indie publisher, luckily we have the access for international publication and willing to help indie artists out to be known in the world. 

Also noticed that printing a book is very costly this day so the better choice is an e-book.  The published book will not be sold other than to the artists that gets involved in this project, so the publisher will get nothing, it's a social work to help others in differs way.

The published book will be a great help for the artist next career. Be Hurry, because the deadline is  30 June 2015, And if you missed it, you need to wait a year long for the next publication. Hurry up, send maximum three sketches by email with subject: Character Sketch Fiesta 2015, send your submission to:

Previous "An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014", publication link click here

Published "An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014"

A great book "Character Sketch Fiesta 2014" go international already, it's live on Amazon Kindle click for Google Play book

Wanna join our other great program? Click in the links below

1. Comic Strip Fiesta 2015:

2. Photography Fiesta 2015:

3. Paintings Fiesta 2015:

4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015:



Kamu Character Designer? Hasil karakter buatanmu belum pernah dicatat sejarah dalam buku ber-ISBN? Seperti kata-kata pepatah, "Pameran itu perak, tetapi buku ber-ISBN adalah emas". Banyak karya Character Designer dikenal karena diterbitkan dan terpromosikan dalam buku ber-ISBN.

Buku ber-ISBN menjamin namamu masuk dalam sejarah walau pun karya cuma sedikit. Kini ada kesempatan emas, An1mage studio membuka peluang namamu akan dikenang sebagai salah satu Character Designer level internasional dengan cara mengirimkan minimal satu character dan maksimum 3 characters design karyamu dan  akan dipromosikan secara gratis dalam publikasi An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2015.

Karya dapat berupa goresan hitam putih, boleh berwarna, bahkan boleh karya modeling 3D, Beri karyamu judul, beri nama kamu sebagai pembuatnya, beri alamat emailmu, beri nomor kontakmu, hak cipta  karya tetap ada di kamu sebagai penciptanya, sehingga bila seseorang tertarik dengan karya dan ingin bekerja sama dengan kamu, atau paling tidak karyamu yang digabungkan dengan character designer lainnya yang terbit dalam buku ber-ISBN ini akan menjadi portfolio yaitu bukti hasil karya yang dapat dimasukkan dalam CV/ resume saat melamar kerja di suatu hari nantinya.

Dan yang paling penting, hak cipta karya tetap ada pada kamu bukan pada An1mage studio sebagai penerbitnya. Buku ini akan dapat didownload secara gratis oleh siapapun dan tidak dijual. Bila kamu ingin memesan versi cetak ke an1mage dipersilakan tetapi tidak mengikat dan tidak harus membeli. Bila kamu mau bahkan dipersilakan untuk mencetaknya sendiri. Kirim hasil karya hebatmu menggunakan template/ format desain berikut:

An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2015 template:

Gunakan format PDF berikut sebagai panduan bila kesulitan:

Buku Character Sketch Fiesta 2015 ini akan menjadi peluang agar namamu mulai dikenal dan menjadi portfolio (bukti hasil karya) yang sangat kuat karena ber-ISBN. Buku ini akan dipulikasikan secara internasional misalnya di Amazon  dan Google Book seperti contoh program buku An1mage Studio sebelumnya yaitu An1mage Characters Sketch Fiesta 2014 yang telah terpublikasi secara internasional di Amazon dan juga Google

Buruan, kirim sebelum 30 Juni 2015 ke:

Ditunggu karya-karya hebatmu Maestro (^_^). 

An1mage Studio

An1mage Studio adalah lembaga non profit dalam membantu indie artist/ seniman indi.

Ikuti program unik kami lainnya

1. Comic Strip Fiesta 2015:

2. Photography Fiesta 2015:

3. Paintings Fiesta 2015:

4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015:

An1mage Photography Fiesta 2015

Are you a photographer? Never publish your great photos? An1mage Studio gives you a great chance to start your portfolio by sending us your maximum up to five masterpieces photos and will be published worldwide in a book with ISBN number, the copyright still yours. Submission deadline Extended up to 30 June 2015 Hurry up (^_^). Send to:

Send your masterpiece (s) photo (s) at least 5 Mega Pixels put in Doc format, you can send maximum 5 photos, can be portrait or landscape orientation in any kind of your interest, because this book will be read by any age so be sure no nudity please.

If you are using other software, make sure this PDF as your design guidance:

The book will be published worldwide in an e-book format where you can download it and get the copy for free, but for the printed one you need to order it, but there is no obligation to order it either, it's a choice.

The point is we are indie publisher, but we have the access for international publication and willing to help indie artists out to be known in the world.

Also noticed that printing a book is very costly this day so the better choice is an e-book. The published book will not be sold other than the artists that gets involved in this project, so the publisher will get nothing, it's a social work to help others in differs way.

The published book will be a great help for the artist next career. Be Hurry, because the submission deadline is extended up to 3 June 2015, And if you missed it, you need to wait a year long for the next publication. Hurry up, send email with subject: photography fiesta 2015, send your submission to:

A sample of Published "An1mage Character Sketch Fiesta 2014"

A great book "Character Sketch Fiesta 2014" go international already, it's live on Amazon Kindle click for Google Play book

Wanna join our other great program? Click in the links below

1. Comic Strip Fiesta 2015
2. Photography Fiesta 2015
3. Paintings Fiesta 2015
4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015


Kamu photographer? Photomu hasil jepretanmu belum pernah dicatat sejarah dalam buku ber-ISBN? Seperti kata-kata pepatah, "Pameran itu perak, tetapi buku ber-ISBN adalah emas". Banyak karya photographer  dikenal karena diterbitkan dan terpromosikan dalam buku ber-ISBN.

Buku ber-ISBN menjamin namamu masuk dalam sejarah walau pun karya cuma sedikit. Kini ada kesempatan emas, An1mage studio membuka peluang namamu akan dikenang sebagai salah satu photographer level internasional dengan cara mengirimkan minimal satu photo dan maksimum 5 photo karyamu dengan objek apa pun selama tidak pornography dan sadis. Photomu  akan dipromosikan secara gratis dalam publikasi An1mage Photography Fiesta 2015.

Beri photomu judul, beri nama kamu sebagai photographernyanya, beri alamat emailmu, beri nomor kontakmu, hak cipta photo tetap ada di kamu sebagai penciptanya, sehingga bila seseorang tertarik dengan karya kamu dan ingin bekerja sama dengan kamu, atau paling tidak photo-photo gabungan dengan para photographer lainnya yang terbit dalam buku ber-ISBN ini akan menjadi portfolio yaitu bukti hasil karya yang dapat dimasukkan dalam CV/ resume saat melamar kerja di suatu hari nantinya.

Dan yang paling penting, hak cipta karya tetap ada pada kamu bukan pada An1mage studio sebagai penerbitnya. Buku ini akan dapat didownload secara gratis oleh siapapun dan tidak dijual. Bila kamu ingin memesan versi cetak ke an1mage dipersilakan tetapi tidak mengikat dan tidak harus membeli. Bila kamu mau bahkan dipersilakan untuk mencetaknya sendiri. Kirim photo-photo hasil karyamu menggunakan template/ format desain berikut:

Photography Fiesta 2015 template:

Gunakan format PDF berikut sebagai panduan bila kesulitan:

Buku Photography Fiesta 2015 ini akan menjadi peluang agar namamu mulai dikenal dan menjadi portfolio (bukti hasil karya) yang sangat kuat karena ber-ISBN. Buku ini akan dipulikasikan secara internasional misalnya di Amazon  dan Google Book seperti contoh program buku An1mage Studio sebelumnya yaitu An1mage Characters Sketch Fiesta 2014 yang telah terpublikasi secara internasional di Amazon dan juga Google

Buruan, kirim sebelum 30 Juni 2015 ke:

Ditunggu karya Photo-photo hebatmu Maestro (^_^).

An1mage Studio

An1mage Studio adalah lembaga non profit dalam membantu indie artist/ seniman indi.

Ikuti program unik kami lainnya
1. Comic Strip Fiesta 2015:
2. Photography Fiesta 2015:
3. Paintings Fiesta 2015:
4. Character Sketch Fiesta 2015:

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Art & Design Principles by M.S. Gumelar & Derrick W. Tarn

As an artist and a designer, we not only learn the traditional tools and materials, today we’re using in  software's and hardware's, but it takes a touch of logic, not the logic in maths calculation, but the logic in the art & design.

Tailored to the needs of the today need, it takes a smart design, rapid, precise and easy to remember. So that’s why there is a big difference on how to spot very expensive design and not.

This textbook is a must-read for academics and professionals to understand the true principles of art and design, and will always remember after reading it, packed dynamically, using straightforward techniques and great quantum memorising.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Character Sketch Fiesta 2014

Character Sketch Fiesta 2014- Sketches call for artist all over the world. Put your original sketches with 100 others, will be published internationally.  submission deadline 30 November, 2014. 

No age restriction, do some good sketches traditionally or digitally. Traditional sketches can be scanned or photo. Then submit your character sketch creations in any style, any image, such as realism, cartoons, hybrid style combined such as of anime or manga, or even fine art. 

The book will be published in English and marketed internationally, also using an international standard book number (ISBN). You will be known internationally, use this golden opportunity.

Submit in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm) maximum 3 characters for one designer or a team design, 200 dpi, you can choose portrait or landscape page orientation, character posing in any kind of pose and movement, a black and white image background or background using sketch drawing also welcome.

Draw your every single character sketch for one page, give title for each skecth, you can send your character sketch up to three A4 pages and also your CV or your profile its the same things only differs in words only. Character sketch drawing can be full body, face only, or close up. Your character sketch can be still in penciled or already inked, we accept both of them.

So can you send a maximum of four documents, namely the 3 files sketches for every sketch drawing in JPG format and one file for your CV in doc or RTF send to:

Your Character and your cv will be published along with at least 100 other international character designers. The character copyright remains with its creator, therefore your CV is needed. Act now as the beginning of your golden opportunity to show your first published artwork internationally, the submission deadline 30 November, 2014. The published artwork book would be a great gift for friends, parent and to surprise your beloved one in the end of the year. Please help sharing this info, thanks (^_^)

- Its a Publisher that wants to help out an indie artist, a first step to be known, as the first published artworks portfolio for the artist (^_^), it will help them out in the future.

- That's why in this publication the artist keeps their copyright of their artworks, also will be exposed in the publication (^_^), also their CV is needed, will be published alongside their artworks. It's a choice for the artist to be known or the artist also the artworks nobody knows, no first published art works that definitely will not help them out in the future.

PS: in CV template, if you're have no previous published artworks, books, or awards, just leave it blank. And if you dont have photo of yourself, just leave it blank also.


Ada sket karakter dan belum pernah dipublikasikan? Daripada numpuk ga berguna, segera scan atau photo dengan resolusi minimal 200 dpi. Kirimkan sket karakter ciptaanmu dengan gaya gambar apapun, seperti realisme, kartun, gabungan kartun dan realisme seperti gaya anime atau manga Jepang, atau fine art.

Buku akan dipublikasikan dalam bahasa Inggris, dipasarkan internasional dan memiliki international standard book number (ISBN), namamu akan dikenal secara internasional, kesempatan emas. Tidak melihat pendidikan dan usiamu, sejauh membuat karya, maka pasti akan kami terbitkan.

Kirimkan dalam ukuran A4 (21x29.7 cm) maksimal 3 karakter untuk satu pencipta ataupun satu tim, beri judul untuk tiap sket, gambar boleh landscape ataupun portrait satu pose saja dengan gerakan bebas, gambar hitam putih boleh ditinta ataupun tetap dalam keadaan dipinsil saja background hitam, atau putih, atau ada gambar tetapi sket juga. 

Kirimkan satu sket karakter untuk satu halaman, pengiriman maksimal tiga halaman A4 dan biodatamu/ CV (riwayat hidup). Gambar karakter boleh seluruh tubuh, boleh wajahnya saja, ataupun close up.

Jadi kamu mengirim maksimal empat dokumen yaitu 3 file gambarmu dalam format jpg dan profile/ biodata kamu dijadikan satu dalam format doc atau RTF kirim ke: 

Karyamu serta CV-mu akan diterbitkan bersama minimal 100 pencipta karakter internasional lainnya. Hak cipta karakter tetap pada penciptanya, oleh karena itulah CV/ biodata kamu dibutuhkan, kesempatan emas sebagai awal mula untuk menunjukkan bukti nyata karyamu yang akan diterbitkan, internasional pula, kesempatan langka, deadline 30 Nopember 2014, bagus untuk hadiah kejutan teman-temanmu, ortumu dan kekasihmu diakhir tahun.Buruaaaan. Bantu Share yaaa (^_^)

NB: untuk CV bila belum ada karya, pengalaman ataupun penghargaan sebelumnya, tidak perlu diisi. Bila tidak punya photo, juga tidak perlu dipasang.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Mindporter? Seperti dalam Teleporter tetapi hanya jiwanya saja yang berpindah. Sehingga hal ini sangat menguntungkan dalam operasi lintas waktu memperbaiki masa depan yang kacau karena di masa lalu beberapa orang yang berkuasa telah salah mengambil keputusan. 

Menguntungkan karena tidak perlu mengorbankan tubuh dan jiwa seseorang di masa depan yang harus ditinggalkan di masa lalu karena masa depan yang telah berubah.

Tetapi bagaimana caranya mencari seseorang yang mampu melakukan mindporter?

Genetix adalah sekelompok manusia rekayasa genetik di tahun 3354 yang memiliki kemampuan manusia mutant yang dipimpin oleh Matahari dalam melawan musuh besar manusia di zamannya.

Mampukah Matahari dan timnya menemukan mindporter yang sesungguhnya? Sedangkan di tempat lain, seorang mindporter sedang berusaha menyelamatkan planet surganya yang bernama Plante, speciesnya, dan bahkan di galaksi lainnya dari kehancuran tanpa mengetahui bahwa dirinya adalah seorang mindporter. 

Mindporter tersebut akhirnya mengetahui rahasia tempat sesungguhnya yang dianggap surga selama ini, bagaimana mindporter  tersebut mengatakan hal ini kapada bangsanya?

Harga 150 Ribu saja. Pre order sekarang

Friday, July 11, 2014


Crystal Liu Yi Fei

Farah Quinn

 Sabina Altynbekova

Yoona - SNSD - Girls Generation

Selena Gomez