Character Sketch Fiesta 2014- Sketches call for artist all over the world. Put your original sketches with 100 others, will be published internationally. submission deadline 30 November, 2014.
No age restriction, do some good sketches traditionally or digitally. Traditional sketches can be scanned or photo. Then submit your character sketch creations in any style, any image, such as realism, cartoons, hybrid style combined such as of anime or manga, or even fine art.
The book will be published in English and marketed internationally, also using an international standard book number (ISBN). You will be known internationally, use this golden opportunity.
Submit in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm) maximum 3 characters for one designer or a team design, 200 dpi, you can choose portrait or landscape page orientation, character posing in any kind of pose and movement, a black and white image background or background using sketch drawing also welcome.
Draw your every single character sketch for one page, give title for each skecth, you can send your character sketch up to three A4 pages and also your CV or your profile its the same things only differs in words only. Character sketch drawing can be full body, face only, or close up. Your character sketch can be still in penciled or already inked, we accept both of them.
So can you send a maximum of four documents, namely the 3 files sketches for every sketch drawing in JPG format and one file for your CV in doc or RTF send to:
Your Character and your cv will be published along with at least 100 other international character designers. The character copyright remains with its creator, therefore your CV is needed. Act now as the beginning of your golden opportunity to show your first published artwork internationally, the submission deadline 30 November, 2014. The published artwork book would be a great gift for friends, parent and to surprise your beloved one in the end of the year. Please help sharing this info, thanks (^_^)
- Its a Publisher that wants to help out an indie artist, a first step to be known, as the first published artworks portfolio for the artist (^_^), it will help them out in the future.
- That's why in this publication the artist keeps their copyright of their artworks, also will be exposed in the publication (^_^), also their CV is needed, will be published alongside their artworks. It's a choice for the artist to be known or the artist also the artworks nobody knows, no first published art works that definitely will not help them out in the future.
PS: in CV template, if you're have no previous published artworks, books, or awards, just leave it blank. And if you dont have photo of yourself, just leave it blank also.
No age restriction, do some good sketches traditionally or digitally. Traditional sketches can be scanned or photo. Then submit your character sketch creations in any style, any image, such as realism, cartoons, hybrid style combined such as of anime or manga, or even fine art.
The book will be published in English and marketed internationally, also using an international standard book number (ISBN). You will be known internationally, use this golden opportunity.
Submit in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm) maximum 3 characters for one designer or a team design, 200 dpi, you can choose portrait or landscape page orientation, character posing in any kind of pose and movement, a black and white image background or background using sketch drawing also welcome.
Draw your every single character sketch for one page, give title for each skecth, you can send your character sketch up to three A4 pages and also your CV or your profile its the same things only differs in words only. Character sketch drawing can be full body, face only, or close up. Your character sketch can be still in penciled or already inked, we accept both of them.
So can you send a maximum of four documents, namely the 3 files sketches for every sketch drawing in JPG format and one file for your CV in doc or RTF send to:
Your Character and your cv will be published along with at least 100 other international character designers. The character copyright remains with its creator, therefore your CV is needed. Act now as the beginning of your golden opportunity to show your first published artwork internationally, the submission deadline 30 November, 2014. The published artwork book would be a great gift for friends, parent and to surprise your beloved one in the end of the year. Please help sharing this info, thanks (^_^)
- Its a Publisher that wants to help out an indie artist, a first step to be known, as the first published artworks portfolio for the artist (^_^), it will help them out in the future.
- That's why in this publication the artist keeps their copyright of their artworks, also will be exposed in the publication (^_^), also their CV is needed, will be published alongside their artworks. It's a choice for the artist to be known or the artist also the artworks nobody knows, no first published art works that definitely will not help them out in the future.
PS: in CV template, if you're have no previous published artworks, books, or awards, just leave it blank. And if you dont have photo of yourself, just leave it blank also.
Ada sket karakter dan belum pernah dipublikasikan? Daripada numpuk ga berguna, segera scan atau photo dengan resolusi minimal 200 dpi. Kirimkan sket karakter ciptaanmu dengan gaya gambar apapun, seperti realisme, kartun, gabungan kartun dan realisme seperti gaya anime atau manga Jepang, atau fine art.
Buku akan dipublikasikan dalam bahasa Inggris, dipasarkan internasional dan memiliki international standard book number (ISBN), namamu akan dikenal secara internasional, kesempatan emas. Tidak melihat pendidikan dan usiamu, sejauh membuat karya, maka pasti akan kami terbitkan.
Kirimkan dalam ukuran A4 (21x29.7 cm) maksimal 3 karakter untuk satu pencipta ataupun satu tim, beri judul untuk tiap sket, gambar boleh landscape ataupun portrait satu pose saja dengan gerakan bebas, gambar hitam putih boleh ditinta ataupun tetap dalam keadaan dipinsil saja background hitam, atau putih, atau ada gambar tetapi sket juga.
Kirimkan satu sket karakter untuk satu halaman, pengiriman maksimal tiga halaman A4 dan biodatamu/ CV (riwayat hidup). Gambar karakter boleh seluruh tubuh, boleh wajahnya saja, ataupun close up.
Jadi kamu mengirim maksimal empat dokumen yaitu 3 file gambarmu dalam format jpg dan profile/ biodata kamu dijadikan satu dalam format doc atau RTF kirim ke:
Karyamu serta CV-mu akan diterbitkan bersama minimal 100 pencipta karakter internasional lainnya. Hak cipta karakter tetap pada penciptanya, oleh karena itulah CV/ biodata kamu dibutuhkan, kesempatan emas sebagai awal mula untuk menunjukkan bukti nyata karyamu yang akan diterbitkan, internasional pula, kesempatan langka, deadline 30 Nopember 2014, bagus untuk hadiah kejutan teman-temanmu, ortumu dan kekasihmu diakhir tahun.Buruaaaan. Bantu Share yaaa (^_^)
NB: untuk CV bila belum ada karya, pengalaman ataupun penghargaan sebelumnya, tidak perlu diisi. Bila tidak punya photo, juga tidak perlu dipasang.
Ada sket karakter dan belum pernah dipublikasikan? Daripada numpuk ga berguna, segera scan atau photo dengan resolusi minimal 200 dpi. Kirimkan sket karakter ciptaanmu dengan gaya gambar apapun, seperti realisme, kartun, gabungan kartun dan realisme seperti gaya anime atau manga Jepang, atau fine art.
Buku akan dipublikasikan dalam bahasa Inggris, dipasarkan internasional dan memiliki international standard book number (ISBN), namamu akan dikenal secara internasional, kesempatan emas. Tidak melihat pendidikan dan usiamu, sejauh membuat karya, maka pasti akan kami terbitkan.
Kirimkan dalam ukuran A4 (21x29.7 cm) maksimal 3 karakter untuk satu pencipta ataupun satu tim, beri judul untuk tiap sket, gambar boleh landscape ataupun portrait satu pose saja dengan gerakan bebas, gambar hitam putih boleh ditinta ataupun tetap dalam keadaan dipinsil saja background hitam, atau putih, atau ada gambar tetapi sket juga.
Kirimkan satu sket karakter untuk satu halaman, pengiriman maksimal tiga halaman A4 dan biodatamu/ CV (riwayat hidup). Gambar karakter boleh seluruh tubuh, boleh wajahnya saja, ataupun close up.
Jadi kamu mengirim maksimal empat dokumen yaitu 3 file gambarmu dalam format jpg dan profile/ biodata kamu dijadikan satu dalam format doc atau RTF kirim ke:
Karyamu serta CV-mu akan diterbitkan bersama minimal 100 pencipta karakter internasional lainnya. Hak cipta karakter tetap pada penciptanya, oleh karena itulah CV/ biodata kamu dibutuhkan, kesempatan emas sebagai awal mula untuk menunjukkan bukti nyata karyamu yang akan diterbitkan, internasional pula, kesempatan langka, deadline 30 Nopember 2014, bagus untuk hadiah kejutan teman-temanmu, ortumu dan kekasihmu diakhir tahun.Buruaaaan. Bantu Share yaaa (^_^)
NB: untuk CV bila belum ada karya, pengalaman ataupun penghargaan sebelumnya, tidak perlu diisi. Bila tidak punya photo, juga tidak perlu dipasang.